Comics - Geek Force - History

Captain Canuck

In the tradition of alliteration for superheroes, one of the coolest has to be Captain Canuck, but I am a biased opinion. He had his start as an indie comic back in 1975 in Winnipeg. As an independently produced comic out Western Canada, it did not make it to the small market of Northwestern Ontario I lived in at the time. I had heard of him, but it wasn’t until the late 70s when we were in Winnipeg for holidays that I finally found a Captain Canuck comic.

Unfortunately, as an independent production, it did not have a regular publication schedule, so it would not be found on the shelf with any regularity, so trying to find it was next to impossible. So beyond reading the one and only comic, I had never seen another Captain Canuck comic again.

So it is with some excitement that I had recently learned that a series of webisodes had been produced, and made available online at Binge watch to your hearts content.

Geek Force : Celebrate Canada Day!