Most everybody is aware of the now famous Star Wars Day, celebrated annually on May the Fourth! Have you ever heard of Revenge of the Fifth? It is the proverbial Boxing Day holiday to Christmas. It is silently acknowledged on May the 5, the day after the much beloved Star Wars Day.
Just as May the Fourth is a clever play on words, we have to take a looser approach to morph Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, to May 5 as Revenge of the Fifth!
You may have had a tradition of binge watching all the movies on May 4, in whatever order you prefer, while sitting around with your fellow padawan, wearing your Qui-Gon Jinn pajamas and Wookie slippers. Take the time today to unwind, and only watch the 3rd, or 6th movie, based on your own personal numbering system.
Who am I kidding? Throw in Episode VII too, you do need to have a taper off approach after all!
Happy Revenge of the Fifth fellow fans!
PS Happy Cinqo de Mayo, too!